Monday, June 24, 2013

Shahi Tukda


Bread:  10 pieces cut into Triangle Shape
Butter or Ghee 250 gms for frying
Sugar 100 gms
Green Cardamom Powder half teaspoon
Saffron 1 pinch
Milk half litre
Almonds half cup
Pistachio sliced half cup
Condensed milk 1 can


Take a deep frying pan and add ghee to fry the bread. into golden color.

Boil the milk and add sugar and condensed milk, cardamom powder, saffron & Almond.
Let the milk boil to a thicker consistency.  Pour the mixture on Top of the Fried bread.

Garnish with Sliced Pistachio.

Makes and excellent snack with coffee or tea or for breakfast.